How to Cope With Hearing Loss

Prevalence of Senior Hearing Loss

One of the most common afflictions for older Americans is hearing loss. This hearing loss typically occurs gradually over the course of a person’s life, so the shift into debilitating hearing loss can be difficult for a person to detect individually. Approximately 2 in 3 people over the age of 75 experience senior hearing loss. Though it is often made light of, senior hearing loss is very serious. Hearing loss can make it difficult for a person to respond to warnings, interact and enjoy conversations with family and friends, and can lead to feelings of isolation. Here are some tips for how to cope with hearing loss when your loved one starts to lose their ability to hear.

Signs of Senior Hearing Loss

Senior hearing loss can be so gradual that it is unnoticeable to seniors. Unfortunately, very few doctors screen for age related deafness or hearing loss. In fact, only 16% of primary care physicians screened for hearing loss in 2012. Be sure that your aging loved one has their hearing checked annually by their physician. Hearing loss can lead to dementia and depression, so it is important to understand.

Online Hearing Test

If you would like to screen your loved one’s hearing immediately you can administer a hearing test online. This hearing test requires that your computer has either headphones or functional speakers.

How You Can Help

If you suspect that your loved one has hearing loss, encourage them to be vocal about it. Many seniors resign themselves to isolation when they suspect that their hearing is failing. If they know that they have a supportive community who is willing to work and spend the time to learn how to better communicate to them, it can go leagues in making that senior feel supported.

Communication Tips for Senior Hearing Loss:

  • Facing the person directly when you are speaking with them so that they can lip read and gain context through emotions
  • Speaking louder and more clearly to the person with a hearing difficulty
  • Turn off TVs, Radios, and any other distracting background noise if you are trying to have a conversation
  • Be aware of situations that can make hearing difficult such as restaurants, concerts, or festivals

Senior hearing loss is important!

Be sure that you keep tabs on your aging loved one’s hearing status. Our biggest tip for senior hearing loss is to make sure that you are observing how your loved one’s hearing is and contact a professional if you notice a hearing loss sign. If you have any questions about our how to cope with hearing loss tips, contact us today!