Signs of a Senior Needing Mobility Equipment

As we get older, we face a number of different potential problems. It is our responsibility to keep a careful eye on our parents and our loved ones to ensure that they get the support that they need. Often, older people do not like to admit that they are struggling. This is because they feel like they are being a burden or they are in denial because they do not want their independence to slip away. Because of this, you need to know about the different signs that you should look out for. Continue reading to learn about the senior needing mobility equipment.

In this guide, we are going to take a look at warning signs for mobility issues in particular. There are lots of great mobility aids out there today to help anyone who is experiencing a mobility problem. This includes power chairs, electric wheelchairs, & handicap scooters. However, you cannot merely suggest these products without knowing whether or not your loved one needs them. Therefore, it is important to familiarize yourself with the different signs that could indicate that your parent or someone you care about is struggling with mobility.

Some of the main indicators that a loved one is having problems with mobility include experiencing difficulties going up or down the stairs, having difficulty getting out of the chair when sitting down, and balance issues. If you have noticed that your relative has become quite unsteady on his or her feet when walking, then this could be an indication that they are experiencing mobility issues.

There are also some other potential issues that may be more subtle. For example, you may have noticed that your parent’s house is a lot messier than it usually is. This could be because they are no longer able to clean the house properly because they are struggling to move as freely as they usually would. You may have noticed that your loved one’s hygiene standards have started to fall. It is easy to assume that they have simply stopped caring about themselves because they have gotten older. These are definitely signs that there has been real mobility decline which may require an assessment of one’s need for mobility equipment.

On the more severe side of thing, falls are an evident sign that someone is suffering from mobility problems. The risk of a fall is only going to get greater and greater as someone gets older. Of course, there are cases when falls are just accidents. After all, anyone can fall at any age. However, a fall could also be an indication that your loved one is struggling to move as he or she usually would. A fall can also lead to further mobility issues, as they cause injuries, and some injuries can be lifelong or difficult to recover from.

As you can see, there are a number of different warning signs that someone you love could be experiencing mobility issues. If you have noticed any of the signs that have been mentioned above, it is important to try and help your loved one so that they can get their independence back and move around with greater ease.

Broaching this conversation is not always easy. Your loved one may feel defensive. After all, it can be difficult to hear these sorts of things because no one likes getting old. This is why you need to carefully think about how you are going to approach the conversation. Make sure that your relative feels like it is their decision. Talk about the different options that are available and how they will be able to assist.

In order to have this sort of discussion, you are going to need to have a look at the different mobility aids that are available. You have the likes of power chairs and mobility scooters that can help your loved one to run errands and move around with greater ease. There are also the likes of support bars and grab bars, which can assist around the home. You may also want to help them get rid of the clutter so that there are not as many fall risks around the property.

All things considered, there is no denying that life can get more difficult as we get older. One of the problems that a lot of people struggle with is mobility. If you have noticed any of the signs that have been discussed in this article in regards to one of your loved ones, you should try to help them by discussing the different mobility solutions that are available.

If you have any questions about our guide for a senior needing mobility equipment, contact us today at At Home Senior Services!